
I am very excited about this post today because I absolutely ADORE Misty Provencher! She is a fabulous person and incredibly hilarious! What can be better than that?? Nothing! I am honored to be included on her blog tour for her new book - Full of Grace. Check it out everyone!

About the author, Misty Provencher:

Once a high school drop out and runaway, Misty Provencher became a college grad, and is now a full-time novelist with a close knit family. She doesn't do labels well. While she can ride a motorcycle, knows how to Karate chop, and has learned enough French, Spanish, and Sign Language to get herself slapped, Misty's life is the ruse she uses to connect with people. She is totally enchanted with them and spends her days trying to translate the soul bouquet of her muses into words. 

Misty Provencher lives in Michigan. Knock on her internet blog door at: Misty Provencher's Books, or find her on Facebook and Twitter as Misty Provencher.

Full of Grace:


Running about 7 bananas strong on shots from Hale and Oscar Maree’s wedding bar, what happened between Landon Grace and Sher Traifere was supposed to be a one time thing. A quickie on a romantic night. Sher wanted a fast evening of fireworks to remember on the dull horizon of her life; Landon wanted to get his mind off his psycho ex by feeling Sher’s curves. By the end of the evening, a secret of Sher’s complicates Landon’s attempt to escape the girl’s chainsaw giggle.

Some one-night-stands just can’t be finished in one night.

Even more complicating, this one rises back up with a hard shot of morning sickness and an entire repertoire of questions. The most important being: how much pull does a guy really have in a woman’s choice to pursue or terminate a pregnancy?

And in this case, how clever can he be about stealing her pants?


· Full of Grace is the companion book to HALE MAREE, but readers do not have to read HALE first.

· Full of Grace began with a different cover (heels & champagne)

My Review of Full of Grace:

I absolutely loved Full of Grace. I was hooked from the very first words Landon gives you...the way he describes things, the way he was EXACTLY how I imagine a guy talks/thinks. Misty wrote Landon perfectly. I don't think I have ever read a guy's point of view in a story written so well and just down right flawless before! That takes some serious skill in my opinion. Most the time a female author slips to making a guy's character pov too girly/emotional/over-thinking or something a few times. But not Misty. She kept Landon in his manly-guy character 100% and I just absolutely LOVED that. It was such a refreshing break from my normal kind of read. I loved Landon's character, the way he describes Sher...and I love that Misty didn't make Sher perfect all the time in Landon's eyes. It was so real and relatable. I laughed out loud several times throughout, and honestly - I couldn't put the book down. I was completely anxious and on the edge of my seat towards the middle-to-end. The story flows flawlessly and truly captivates you from start to finish. This was my first book that I have read by Misty Provencher, and already she is now one of my top favorite authors. I cannot wait to read the rest of her books.

Note: This is an adult book which means there is a lot of adult content in this story, but I loved the way Misty wrote each and every scene. Perfection.

Stalk Misty!

Misty's Blog

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Go get your own copy of Full of Grace now!



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Good day everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday! We are that much closer to the weekend so it should be a great day! And to make it every better, I have a special cover real for you today! Check out this wonderful cover for Mavon (The Endure Series, Book 1) by S.A. Huchton!

And here it is!

Very beautiful! Want to snag this book up as soon as it comes out?! Here is the info for ya:

Maven (The Endure Series, book 1), by S.A. Huchton

Genre: Science Fiction Romance (New Adult)

Release Date: June 3rd, 2013

Book Description:

How far would you go for love?

Since losing her parents at 14, young prodigy Dr. Lydia Ashley has focused on one thing: an appointment on the Deep Water Research Command Endure. Now 21, she's about to realize that dream, but nothing is how she imagined it would be. Her transitional sponsor forgets her, her new lab is in complete chaos, and, as if that weren't enough, she's about to discover something so horrific it could potentially destroy all life on the planet.

Daniel Brewer, a noted playboy and genius in his own right, may be exactly what she needs... Or he may make everything worse.

Has she finally found a puzzle she can't solve?

Author Bio:

Starla Huchton released her first novel, The Dreamer’s Thread, as a full cast podcast production beginning in August 2009. Her first foray went on to become a double-nominee and finalist for the 2010 Parsec Awards. Since her debut, Starla’s voice has appeared in other podcasts including The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine, The Drabblecast, and Erotica a la Carte. She is also a voice talent for Darkfire Productions, and narrates several of their projects, including The Emperor’s Edge series, This Path We Share, and others. Her writing has appeared in the Erotica a la Carte podcast, a short story for The Gearheart, and an episode of the Tales from the Archives podcast (the companion to Tee Morris and Philippa Balantine’s Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series), which garnered her a second finalist badge from the 2012 Parsec Awards. Her second novel, a Steampunk adventure entitled Master of Myth, was the first place winner in the Fantasy/Science Fiction category of The Sandy Writing Contest held annually by the Crested Butte Writers Conference. Maven is her third completed novel and the first in a planned series of four.

After completing her degree in Graphic Arts at Monterey Peninsula College, Starla opened up shop as a freelance graphic designer focusing on creating beautiful book covers for independent authors publishers. She currently lives in Virginia where she trains her three Minions and military husband.



Designed by Starla

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Happy Monday everyone! You may think I am crazy for saying that...but today is actually a VERY happy Monday for me, because I have the honor of revealing to you the cover for author Jenna Roads' second novel in the Spirit Warrior series - titled Through the Eyes of Love! YAY! I am so excited for this! I loved the first book, "Under A Painted Sky" and I just know you will too if you have yet to get your hands on it!

Without further ado- her is the beautiful cover for Through the Eyes of Love (Spirit Warrior Series Book Two) by the FABULOUS Jenna Roads!!

Full wrap:

Gorgeous, Jenna! Love it!!

Expected release date: August 2013

Through the Eyes of Love Synopsis:

The love between Isabella and Logan intensifies.

Isabella, Logan and Cheveyo unite in their quest to seek out others who have become prisoners of fear after visiting the Petroglyphs.They become captivated by a little boy. Having to see things through the eyes of a child changes everything. Will they unveil the clandestine significance of the spirit who chose the child in time?

About the author:

Jenna Roads
YA/ New Adult Paranormal Romance Author
I am a Registered Nurse who is now devoting my time to writing fiction, reading, making scrapbooks, taking pictures, traveling and enjoying family and friends. I am a mother of two. When I'm not writing, I'm dreaming up characters for my next book. I love cotton nighties and comfortable shoes. My dream is to one day have an island of my very own where I can hold up there and write until my hearts content.

All of her hangouts:


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          Today marks the first month that Ageless Sea has been out and I am excited about it. I am so excited that I want to give you an ereader with the cover of Ageless Sea on it, AND I will even sign it! It is just a small token of my appreciation. BUT I have even better news, I will let the winner pick if they would like a Kindle (to use with Amazon) OR a Nook Touch (to use with Barnes & Noble)!!! That's right, should you win, YOU get to pick!

Now, on to the good stuff! How can it get any better than winning an ereader? Well, getting a look at the book that started this awesome giveaway of course! First, let's set the mood...          
I think this song fits so well for the whole book. If you have read it - do you hear it? I can hear Brady singing  it to Karis lol. I listened to this song while writing Ageless Sea and it is on my playlist over on Spotify, should you want to listen to the whole "soundtrack" I used. Can you pick out any songs for certain scenes???
While writing Ageless Sea I didn't sleep much, my keyboard became my pillow. From beginning to end, my characters kept me on my toes. They changed into amazing people that I am happy to share with you. Ageless Sea started off with a dream I had in the middle of the night. I remember rolling over and grabbing my phone to take notes because it was perfect and since then I haven't been able to get Karis or Brady too far out of my mind.            

One thing I didn't realize until I started writing, was that Brady was funny. I laughed out loud many times while writing and my family would look at me with that 'she's losing it' look and move on. Here is a part of one of the first scenes where he shows his humorous side:

“What is that?”
Karis looked up from the fire with a scowl. “Dinner. What did you think it was?”
“Oh no, I’m not eating that, that thing.” Brady pointed at the sea urchin she held in her hands.
She let her shoulders droop. “We don’t eat the whole thing, just this part.” She dangled a small portion of it with her fingers.
“Oh hell no!” He held his hands up. “I won’t eat Rocky Mountain Oysters, what makes you think I’d eat them off a sea creature.” He placed a hand over his mouth. “I think I’m gonna be sick.”
She laughed. It never crossed her mind that eating that part of the urchin would be distasteful to him. She’d eaten them for so long it was like second nature.
Karis shrugged. “We could go fishing if you prefer?”
“Yes, I prefer.” He glanced at the urchin one more time and cringed. “Can you please just toss it out or something? I can’t believe you eat those.”
Karis rolled her eyes at him. “For such a strong guy, you’re sure weak.” She picked up the basket of urchins and laid them aside.  “So are you fishing or am I?”
He grabbed the fishing basket and started down the trail. “I think I can figure it out.”

I love to write fantasy, so it was fun to create the world's inside this book. Romance with fantasy, that is my favorite, so that is what I did. I can't tell you how much you all mean to me. I love that you enjoy my stories as much as I do and how excited you get with your favorite characters... or sometimes even the messages about how you lost sleep because you couldn't put the my book down, makes me happy. I love hearing from all of you and can't thank you enough. I really hope you love Karis and Brady and their journey as much as I do!

M.R. Polish

Don't Forget to join us Tomorrow May 2nd for the LIVE Blog Talk Radio Show!! You can call in and talk to us and listen in on the fun. The Winner of the Giveaway will also be announced!!
Call in to chat with us 
(718) 664-9345
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Also, if you would like a signed paperback, you may email me at and I would love to do that for you as well. It is 15.00 and that covers S&H.
Stalkers find me here: